Sunday 11 March 2012

The Power Of Madonna

Hey everyone!

My post this week is about one of the most famous singers of all time: MADONNA!
Oh yes, you are right, Glee dedicated one episode to her, and I am going to comment it, if you didn’t see it, just do it. Because I got one word: PERFECTION.

The episode begins with Sue putting Madonna songs on the hallway, to everyone to hear and get some inspiration. Will decides that the homework of the week will be Madonna songs! The girls get excited, but the boys thinks isn’t a good idea. At least, Kurt likes it (of course haha).

The first song is “Express yourself” that the girls sing to the boys, because they aren’t treating them well. Is a really good number in my opinion. Epic!

 Finn meets Rachel at the coral room, and they start to sing a song (Mash up of Borderline and Open Your Heart. ) In this scenes looks like they are going back together, and what I thought was really awesome was that some  girls behind them are dressed like Madonna, in different times of her career.At the end, they just say the song got awesome and go away.

 The video  of Vogue also got amazing, is something like a video clip inside of a TV Show, is kind of weird, but Jane is so talented, so Amber and Chris did such a great job on there, AWESOME.
One of my favorite performances in this episode is Like a Virgin, with Rachel & Jesse (my favorite couple, yes!) Will and Emma and Finn and Santana (ok, so awkward I know, but he is just trying to make Rachel jealous, what is expected after what he did to her).
4 Minutes is performed by Kurt and Mercedes, because they are tired to make Rachel‘s backing vocals, and they go to the cheerios to try get their own shine, I don’t blame them, sometimes Rachel annoys me too haha, but I love her anyway.
The boys try to look in a girl point of view, because they are being so cruel and mean with them, so they sing : “What Feels For A Girl” together , in a way to apologize and make the ladies happy.
Artie is going to talk to Tina and Puck is going to talk to Quinn. Finn is going to say “I’m sorry to Rachel” but she’s with Jesse,and he wants  to fight with Finn.But Finn doesn’t so he invites Jesse to sing Like a Prayer with the Glee Club. The episode ends with this wonderful song!

Make my day and comment something! J
Oh yeah, don’t forget to vote on your favorite character on Glee, and vote for the best subject of the week.
Thank you so much for visiting! See you next week with one of my favorite episodes of season 3 (can’t say which is haha.)
Check out the performances:

Keep Gleeking!
By : Rachel Berry

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