Sunday 4 March 2012

Prom Queen - Glee

Heey everyone!
Today, I’m here to talk about one of my favorite Glee episodes of season 2: PROM QUEEN!
The episode begins with the girls talking about prom dresses, and I feel so sorry for Mercedes, because she doesn’t have a date, a mean, she deserves a cool guy! Then, Rachel decides that she, Mercedes and Sam are going together, Rachel is the sweetest, really.

Meanwhile, Blaine telling his story to Kurt is so sad, really, the guys punched him because he is gay, on his last prom. I was like: OMG!
Ok, Santana is so beautiful in her prom dress, so as Brittany and Tina, but Am I the only one who thought that Kurt‘s clothe is weird?

And, Puck wants that Artie puts alcohol in the drinks of the party, but Artie doesn't want to coz he wants Brittany back, he sings “Isn’t She Lovely” for her, and in the end she says no! I cried!!

Now the best part EVER: JESSE ST. JAMES COMEBACK, OH YES! And he sings “Rolling in The Deep” (this song got so perfect in their voices) with Rachel, and ask her if she want to go to the prom with him. She’s not with Finn anymore, because he chose Quinn, so she say yes!!

“They say the best time to start a new business is during the resection, I don’t know why, or what resection is but my understanding says that we are in a one” – My favorite line from Jesse during the party haha. And Rachel : “He is so smart, I can’t believe he flunked out at college” haha dying!

“Quinn you look amazing, the ghost of Grace Kelly” haha so TRUE!!!

Now talking about songs, Puck, Artie and Sam made Friday but Rebecca Black become a good song! I’M SO IN LOVE WITH IT!Rachel is beautiful singing “Jar of Hearts” her voice is so amazing, and Finn deserves it ( sorry Finchel shippers).

Blaine was singing “I am not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you” Finn get jealous of Jesse and Rachel and go fight with him.  The coach Sue put the two of them out, and Quinn got mad because Finn was her date, and she wants to be the Prom Queen. She said that Rachel ruined everything and slap Rachel’s face!!!!

The winners of Prom are David and Kurt, because someone did a joke to him, coz he’s gay. Santana got so sad, because she’s not the Queen, so are Quinn.But at the end, everyone decides to help Kurt to deal with that.

 And Sam asks Mercedes to dance, and after that, she and Santana sing “Dancing Queen” and Kurt is going to dance with Blaine, so beautiful! Everybody is happy, even Quinn and Rachel that are dancing alone.

The prom couples:

So if you want to see the perfect songs of this episode, here they are:

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do

By : Santana Lopez (Marcela)
Source : MY MIND (haha)
Thanks for visiting, see you next week!

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